The Cannabis Health Products Coalition

is working to ensure that health products made with cannabis (e.g. CBD) are allowed to be produced and sold in Canada.


As part of the development of the Cannabis Regulations in 2018, Health Canada committed to holding consultations about a potential approach for non-prescription health products containing cannabis.


Health Canada launched a general consultation to begin examining the potential to create a tailored pathway for consumer health products containing cannabis, also known as cannabis health products (CHPs).


The Committee’s recommendations were published in Fall 2022 following which a Health Canada public consultation occurred and closed Oct 6, 2022.

October 2023

Silence from Health Canada for a year!


Health Canada struck an external Science Advisory Committee on Health Products Containing Cannabis in November 2020 with a mandate to provide the Department with recommendations on appropriate evidentiary requirements that should accompany the filing of a CHP application. The vision of a potential CHP pathway is to permit the sale of cannabis products which carry a Health Canada approved health claim for the treatment of self-manageable conditions.